Fundraising & Acquisition
Thoroughly researching potential investors or fundraising platforms, as well as assessing their alignment with your business goals, is crucial before entering into financial agreements.
Understanding and mitigating risks associated with fundraising and acquisition, such as debt obligations or equity dilution, is critical for maintaining financial stability.
Building and maintaining positive relationships with investors is crucial for long-term success. Communication, transparency, and meeting expectations are vital.
Pourquoi choisir VB & Partners?
Embarking on a business venture, especially in a foreign land, can appear overwhelming. At VB & Partners, we understand this challenge and our experts are ready to assist with your needs. Our comprehensive range of services covers every step, from initial business feasibility assessments to complete incorporation and the start of your business operations.
Navigating local laws and regulations is a paramount concern for foreign enterprises. Our tailored solutions alleviate this complexity, ensuring unwavering adherence to legal mandates. Backed by a team well-versed in the intricacies of the Thai market and regulations, ensuring the smooth operation of your business.
VB & Partners est fier de son équipe d'experts juridiques. De la création d'entreprise aux services de comptabilité et de secrétariat, en passant par l'immigration et l'immobilier, VB & Partners est votre choix de prédilection pour l'ensemble de vos besoins juridiques et comptables.
Les services inclus dans ce package
- Pre-registration procedures: Coordinate with the client to establish the scope of services to be provided and also obtain the details of the employees position e.g. salary and job title etc.Collecting, preparing and filing all the required documents for onboarding the employee. This will cover areas such
- as Visa & Work Permit (for foreign employees), payroll and compliance (Tax deductions and payments etc).
- Answering questions in relation to the PEO service.
- Advising you on the post onboarding procedure to ensure a smooth working relationship.
Hors frais officiels et frais de transport
Les frais de la consultation de conseil seront soustraits de nos honoraires de service si vous décidez de faire appel à nos services.
Prix : + 7 % de TVA
What you must know before applying.
Réservez une consultation avec nos experts
Up to an hour consultation on the process of fundraising and acquisition in Thailand.
Nos experts fournissent des informations essentielles concernant la structure de la société, la fiscalité, la comptabilité, et d'autres aspects généraux liés à la création d'une entreprise en Thaïlande. Nous répondons également à toutes vos questions juridiques pour vous offrir une vue d'ensemble complète.
Si des recherches supplémentaires sont requises pour répondre à vos questions, nos experts procéderont à des investigations et vous enverront des informations complémentaires par e-mail.
Cette consultation est dispensée par des experts juridiques compétents en anglais ou en français.
Questions Fréquemment Posées
Fundraising involves seeking external financial support from investors, donors, or lenders to raise capital for a specific purpose, such as expanding operations or launching new projects.
Common fundraising methods include equity financing (selling ownership stakes), debt financing (borrowing money), crowdfunding, grants, and donations.
Building a compelling pitch, demonstrating a strong value proposition, and showcasing your team's capabilities are crucial to attracting investors or donors.
An acquisition, also known as a takeover, is the process of one company buying another, either through purchasing its assets or acquiring its shares, with the goal of gaining control or expanding market presence.
In an acquisition, one company takes control of another, while a merger involves two companies merging to form a new entity. In both cases, ownership and management structures may change.
Financing options for acquisitions may include cash payments, stock swaps, debt financing, or a combination of these, depending on the deal's structure and financial capabilities of the acquiring company.