Professional English Speaking Accounting Services in Thailand

Professional English Speaking Accounting Services in Thailand

Non-Immigrant B Visa

Package: Non-Immigrant B Visa

15,000 THB ex. VAT

What does this package include

  • Pre-application procedures: Identify the correct visa for the situation and confirm eligibility.
  • Assistance with the collection and preparation of the required documents. This includes coordinating with the client’s employer to obtain the relevant documents and make sure they are signed and stamped where needed. This will cover both the Visa and Work Permit.
  • Our Visa expert will accompany the applicant to the Immigration Office and Labour Offices to submit the application and provide the required assistance.
  • Answering questions about the visa and work permit service.

Extra Services

Extra Services

(Recommended for new company). Answering all your legal questions* and reviewing/revising legal documents up to 2 hours per month Additional time charged at a special flat hourly rate of THB 7,500. Any unused hours can be carried forward to the next month. Valid for one year

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