Professional English Speaking Accounting Services in Thailand

Professional English Speaking Accounting Services in Thailand

Food License

Package: Food License

35,000 THB ex. VAT

What does this package include

  • Initial Consultation: Our experts will assess your company’s business activities and identify whether a food license is required or you only need to notify the local authorities.
  • Document Preparation: Our experts will work closely with you to obtain and collate all the required documents and complete the application forms ready for submission.
  • Submitting the Application: Our experts will apply to the local district office. We will also liaise with the officers through the consideration and review process to ensure complete awareness of the application status.
  • Collection of the Food Licence: Our experts will collect the documents on your behalf once the food Licence has been approved and issued.
  • Post-approval procedure: Our experts will keep you up-to-date with any compliance requirements.
  • Answering any questions concerning the Food Licence.

Extra Services

Extra Services

(Recommended for new company). Answering all your legal questions* and reviewing/revising legal documents up to 2 hours per month Additional time charged at a special flat hourly rate of THB 7,500. Any unused hours can be carried forward to the next month. Valid for one year

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