Changing a Registered Address

Registered company addresses are a crucial component when registering a company in Thailand. Registered addresses are used for many reasons, such as company registration, tax purposes, and official correspondence. Therefore it is important to keep the company address updated at all times.

Corporate Secretary Change of Registered Address
Changing a Registered Address at a glance
Update the authorities

When a company decides to relocate or alter its address, it is essential to notify and update the relevant government authorities.

Using a Rented Address

Companies may use a rented office as the registered address, but the company must have the written authority of the owner of the leased property to register for VAT.

Changing Provinces

Changing a registered business address to another province requires holding an extraordinary meeting of the shareholders (EGM) and amending the company’s memorandum of association.

Pourquoi choisir VB & Partners?

Embarking on a business venture, especially in a foreign land, can appear overwhelming. At VB & Partners, we understand this challenge and our experts are ready to assist with your needs. Our comprehensive range of services covers every step, from initial business feasibility assessments to complete incorporation and the start of your business operations.

Navigating local laws and regulations is a paramount concern for foreign enterprises. Our tailored solutions alleviate this complexity, ensuring unwavering adherence to legal mandates. Backed by a team well-versed in the intricacies of the Thai market and regulations, ensuring the smooth operation of your business.

VB & Partners est fier de son équipe d'experts juridiques. De la création d'entreprise aux services de comptabilité et de secrétariat, en passant par l'immigration et l'immobilier, VB & Partners est votre choix de prédilection pour l'ensemble de vos besoins juridiques et comptables.

Les services inclus dans ce package

  • Pre-application process (for addresses in a different province):

    Our experts can assist you with the initial steps for changing your company’s address to a new province. This includes:

    • Calling, managing and drafting the minutes for any required shareholder meetings.
    • Drafting any required changes to the Memorandum of Association.

  • Collecting and submitting the documents:Our team of experts will collect, collate and fill in all the required documents, ready for your signature. We will then submit the documents to all relevant authorities (Revenue Department, Social Security Offices etc).

  • Post-registration requirements:

    Our experts can assist you with the next necessary steps after changing your address.

    Moving to a new province:

    • Advertisement made in a local Thai newspaper relating to the change in address.
    • Proof of the letter being sent to the shareholders to arrange a meeting to notify them regarding the address change.

    General procedures:

    • Updating the company address at your bank.
    • Updating the addresses for any Visas and Work Permits.
En plus des exigences mentionnées précédemment, veuillez noter que des documents supplémentaires pourraient être nécessaires au cours du processus de demande.
Icone 01
Changing a Registered Address
à partir de
Changing provinces requires an EGM
Changes must be registered with the DBD
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Ce qu'il faut savoir avant de postuler

Process to Move to a New Province
Changing a registered business address to another province requires holding an extraordinary meeting of the shareholders (EGM) and amending the company’s memorandum of association.
Update All Authorities
The change of address must be registered with the Revenue Department, the Department of Business Development and Social Security Fund, Work Permits, bank accounts, business licenses, and other relevant licenses.
Using a Rented Office
Companies may use a rented office as the registered address, but the company must have the written authority of the owner of the leased property to register for VAT.
Using a Private Residence
Newer condos typically prohibit company registration. Older condos may have more lenient policies. If you're a tenant, seek your landlord's permission. For houses, registration is usually allowed, but check compound rules if applicable.
Virtual Offices
Virtual Offices can be used to register a company, however they will not be accepted for VAT Registration.
Proof of Consent/Ownership
Proof of ownership/consent is required for changing an address. The following will be required; Copy of the office building’s Tabien Baan, Copy of the letter of consent that is issued by the office building to the company, Proof of office building ownership

Réservez une consultation avec nos experts

Up to an hour consultation on the process of changing a company address in Thailand.

We will provide you with information on key areas such as the process for changing a company address in Thailand. We will also answer any other legal questions to provide you with a clear overview.

Si des recherches supplémentaires sont requises pour répondre à vos questions, nos experts procéderont à des investigations et vous enverront des informations complémentaires par e-mail.

Cette consultation est dispensée par des experts juridiques compétents en anglais ou en français.

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Questions Fréquemment Posées

Can I register a Limited Company at my home address?

In general, recently built condos specify in their regulations that their units cannot be used for registering a company.

However, some older condominium developments are more flexible. To be sure, you will have to ask the juristic person at the condo in question. If you are a tenant, you will also have to seek permission from your landlord.

If you have a house, it is generally possible to use it to register a company. If your house is part of a compound, like a condo, you must check the compound’s regulations to see if it is possible.

Please note that it is mandatory to display the full company name next to the property’s entrance.

Using a personal address to register a company is often seen as practical and economical. However, doing so may lead to you having your home visited by the authorities as it is also a business premise.

What is the process for changing my a company address to a different province in Thailand?

Changing your company’s registered business address to another province requires the company to satisfy several requirements.

Firstly, the company must advertise the relocation in the local newspaper and other media.

The company will also be required to amend the company’s memorandum of association (MOA). Amending the MOA will require an Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting. To do so, the director must send a letter to the shareholders within 14 days before the meeting date. After the Shareholders Meeting has approved the relocation, the relocation must be registered with the Department of Business Development, Revenue Department, and Social Security Office.

The company’s address must also be changed on the work permits of foreign employees, and the bank that the company has opened a corporate bank account must also be notified.

Finally, the Revenue Department must be notified 15 days before the relocation.

What Documents are required to change an address of a company in Thailand?

The following documents are required for changing a company registered address:

  • Copies of the director’s identification card or passport
  • Copies of the company’s VAT certificate
  • Copies of the company’s affidavit

The documents that need to be submitted by the office building are:

  • Copy of the office building’s Tabien Baan
  • Copy of the letter of consent that is issued by the office building to the company
  • Proof of office building ownership (e., construction permit, house sale agreement, and house number application)
  • Copies of the office building’s location
  • Photographs of the office and the company’s signboard